
Thursday, August 29, 2013

"Art Park" creator hospitalized after being removed from boarded home by police.

Ronald 'Arjo' Adams,  of 'The Peoples Park' in East St Paul is currently being held at Regions hospital.  after being physically removed from his boarded up home.  They will not release him without proving he has a 'safe home'.
In a move to remove both Mr. Adams home and the park that he created over 15+ years on a parcel of land that the city had abandoned, the City Council voted to board up Mr. Adams house and erect a fence at the expense of taxpayers to keep Mr. Adams out.  
The St Paul Police department removed Mr. Adams and placed him in Regions Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, where he has had a hold placed on his release until such time that it can be assured that Mr. Adams has secured new living arrangements, not at his 'condemned' home.
City council has moved up his final appeal in the repair or remove abatement order of his home which was scheduled for September 18, to the first week of September. 
Seems to me like he is being held just long enough for them to destroy his home without offering him the full time he is under appeal, and the chance to make the repairs.  I have a copy of an estimate from a MN licensed master plumber/contractor stating the work left on that house to bring it to code is less than $2000.  The legislative review team would not consider it.  There has also been hired an independent code inspector to inspect the home and testify at the last hearing. I somehow doubt that he will be allowed in this ‘death trap’ of a home for fear of liability from the city. This house, honestly is no more  condemnable than Mr. Humprey's  home, or mine or yours.  I smell a civil rights suit in the air.
Much like the demolition of the home of a man we will simply call 'Sean' to make way for a new business on the opposite end of the very same block, this home will be destroyed for whatever plan the powers that be want to see become a reality. 
My unofficial opinionHold on to your lap bars St Paul residents, this is just two out of  many newly discovered efforts by the powers that be to obtain your property for city projects. They have given up the premise of Eminent Domain and have bypassed the offering of fair market value for your home.  They will condemn it and tear it down at your expense.  Well now, that leaves a little more money in the city money pot for hmmmmmm.... development maybe?  It won’t be long until that whole section of land (Payne Avenue to Greenbrier, on the East side of Wells Street, along the Phalen Corridor) is demolished in preparation for whatever the city has up its sleeve.  Hint... I am not exactly GREEN with envy.

Auctions for free stuff at

In response to Mr. Humphrey, spokesman for St Paul's Department of Safety and Inspections

In response to your verbatim rendition of the official statement released by Mike Hahm, Director of Department of Parks and Recreation to the local press, that you posted on Facebook as an acknowledgement of the petition of over 250 signatures in support of Mr. Adams and The Peoples' Park:

  1. In a post on Facebook dated July 16, 2013, Mr. Humphrey, spokesman for St. Paul's Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) states that "upon transfer of the land at 680 Wells Street on the east side of St. Paul, it was discovered that Mr. Adams had constructed an art park and sculpture garden" on the until then abandoned city property.
    • Is it not true Mr. Humphrey that following the demolition of the property that once sat upon that property there was a series of letters to the city requesting the construction of a retaining wall to keep the hill from sliding and that each of those attempts to obtain a retaining wall  that would live up to your standards was rejected on the grounds that it was not cost effective? 
    • This was 13 years ago. 'Arjo' was told if he wanted a wall he should build a retaining wall himself.
In the interest of not only maintaining a stable foundation for his place of residence, but also for the safety of all of the foot traffic that entered the Heritage Park pathways from behind his property, he did just that.  
    • Is it not also true Mr. Humphrey, that in October, 2006, Tom Riddering-St Paul Building Official, gave that very wall a thumbs up? Should I quote him for you to refresh your memory? "Most of the retaining walls are soundly built, and do not pose a danger and should be allowed to remain in place".  
Are we to understand that Mr. Riddering is no longer considered a reliable authority in this capacity? Has his opinion lost some of its luster in your eyes Mr. Humphrey? Why would you not honor the opinion of a man who has an outstanding record in his position.
I am curious Mr. Humphrey... how is it that Mr. Adams would have been responsible for not to mention able to obtain a permit to build a wall that he was told to build by the city of St. Paul on their property 
2. The second issue with which I take some issue is the matter of the timing for all of this.  It seems that this is coming rather fast.  Granted, the first compliance order in this matter was issued a year ago.  It is also true that your inspectors have not physically inspected inside this house in nearly a year.  
    • How do you know that you are condemning the same home you inspected?  Yes there were permits.  I've done my research as should you.  
    • Permits were pulled between the time of issue of the compliance order and the time of condemnation.  Those permits were no longer honored by DSI because this building was now a 'vacant building' due to the condemnation order.  What about the work done under those permits Mr. Humphrey? Why was it never inspected? What is your true motive?
    • For the water heater, purchased at Home Depot, installed by Home Depot contractors under a permit that they pulled for that purpose, your people refused to inspect or honor their permit.  Why issue a permit you have no intention of honoring?
I don't understand this DSI and Marcia Moermond! Your service to the community is only a service when it provides a service, not a hardship!!! 

You are showing your true colors to a large amount of followers of this park, this home, this issue and this man.

According to these letters from EVERY ONE of his neighbors, the public opinion is that this is a huge disservice.  
It is my opinion that this is a travesty with a hidden agenda. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What is your true agenda St Paul City Council?

What is your true agenda St Paul City Council?

Tonight's defeat in the hearing of the appeal of Ronald 'Arjo' Adams of both the fencing and the boarding up of the house located at 676 Wells, it was suggested by one brave man in a rather choked up voice (thank you Greg Copeland for your will to come to the aid of Mr. Adams) that there may be another agenda driving the council's vote. I agree.

What is your true agenda St Paul City Council?
Do you wish only to take that property?
I for one demand some clarity.  

The meeting can be seen in video form here:
The facts:
  1. Mr Adams has had permits for every bit of work that was to be done on that house. What hindered his progress is the condemnation of that property after he purchased those permits.  Because the property was condemned, you refused to inspect those permits.  Mr Adams was not given a refund for the price of those permits.
  1. You say this has been going on over a year? You are correct.  Because your inspectors refuse to step foot into his home and inspect the work done under the permits that were pulled over a year ago.
  1. You want a $5000.00 deposit to pull a permit for any work done on this 'vacant building'.  The amount of work left to be done on this so called disaster waiting to happen is less than $2500.00
  1. The city of St Paul has a project that runs along this property, and the city owns the property to the left and to the right of Mr. Adams. Arjo's home is smack in the middle of a city project.  It is my feeling and that of the nearly 260 people that have signed the petition to save it that you want to demolish this house under the rule of eminent domain.  
  1. You say the retaining walls and the steps are dangerous. Is it not true that one of your own inspectors gave that wall and staircase a thumbs up in 2006?  Of course it is.  I offer a copy of email correspondence that you posted on your own site between Dave Thune and Mike Grealish that states clearly that this property's retaining walls are safe and should be left intact as per Tom Riddering - building official, City of St Paul.  This was an in response to a request sent by Dave Thune to Mike Grealish in an attempt to gain clarity to take a position in the matter of condemnation and possible demolition of this home and property in 2006
  1. In his own words, in 2006 Dave Thune said, "I understand that somehow coincidental with the recent Pioneer Press article about R Joe Adams park and public sculpture the city has leaped into action to save us from something or other, possibly imagined".
So again I ask you..
If you are as outraged as I am email the council members for ward 6.  Tell them we want change!
Marcia Moermond - Legislative hearing officer
Councilmember Amy Brendmoen
Councilmember Nathaniel Khaliq
Councilmember Russ Stark
Councilmember Dave Thune
This could be your mother's home, your daughter's home, your home for that matter.  Don't take this lying down. Stand up for what is right!

I have always been of the belief that what is done in the dark will always come to the light. 

Kudos to you Mr. Dan Bostrom for having the good sense and the strength to vote against both of these motions.

It is unfortunate that the others on your council do not have the same clear conscience tonight.  I hope they sleep well knowing Mr Adams will not.

What is your true agenda St Paul City Council?

Council President Kathy Lantry

Councilmember Dan Bostrom

Councilmember Chris Tolbert

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Impressed with the press? Take note! They're taking note... 

And I for one, am grateful.

Since the start of this blog, there has been an ever increasing following of the happenings at both The Peoples' Park, and the home of the creator of that park, Ronald "Arjo" Adams.  In fact, the first member of the press/news to take note was Patrick Larkin-News Editor of the East Side Review, a Lillie Suburban newspaper.  This article, a front page spread did much to enlighten those who otherwise did were not aware of the park's existence.  Thank you for piquing the interest of the public, Mr.Larkin.  Your article which can be found here: Squatting art park could face demolition started this ball rolling...

Not all of the exposure was especially positive, but it was not especially negative either.   KSTP Channel 5 News ran this story by Todd Wilson on Arjo and the park: 'Art Park' in St. Paul on City Property is Considered Hazard

Not just the neighborhood paper, and channel 5 came out to see the park.The Pioneer Press took their turn in interviewing Arjo about his 17-year pet project.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who had either the want for justice to prevail or the curiosity at this curiosity to visit the park and Arjo Adams, if only long enough to form a story.  Those who took the time to actually get to know us here at the park-- and you know who you are, my eternal gratitude. If only those that would attempt to destroy what it took ONE MAN 17 years to build with love, sweat and imagination would put forth the same effort, this would be a non-issue.  But then those that would attempt to destroy this beautiful place and the home of the owner, and you know who you are... have their own reasons. I believe that your will to build is stronger than any amount of opposition from the community. I also know that some secrets aren't meant to be kept forever.  The truth will come, eventually. 

First I would like to thank Mr. Adams himself, for gracing me with the charge of shooting the video that as yet has had no audience.

Thank you to the contributor that will be known as TheHarmonyOfChange that shot the YouTube video of Arjo and the park earlier this summer that can be found here: Discover The People's Park: an Urban Art Park at 680 East Wells Street in St. Paul, Minnesota

And to Publius Jr. for his article on the Ward 6 Republicans site which can be found here: Save the The People’s Park at 680 Wells E

Thank you to Frederick Melo of the St Paul Pioneer Press for your great work in the articles you wrote that can be found here: Payne-Phalen Resident's Art Runs Afoul of City Hall

and here: St. Paul moving to fence off 'People's Park,' creator's condemned house

A huge debt of gratitude goes to Marcella Corona of the St Paul Pioneer Press for shedding a less volatile light on The Peoples' Park, and on the creator of that park.  Your articles can be found here: St. Paul: What man called art, city called hazardous
Ronald "Arjo" Adams fastens a sign to a fence surrounding his condemned house and adjoining "People's Park" on Friday. The City of St. Paul closed off access to the property earlier Friday because inspectors deemed the area unsafe. (Pioneer Press: John Doman)
"Power to the People's Park, honk your horns!" supporters of Ronald "Arjo" Adams chant as they demonstrate Wednesday along Payne Avenue in St. Paul. Adams built an "art park" on a piece of property owned by the city, next door to his own property at 676 Wells St. on St. Paul's East Side. (Pioneer Press: Scott Takushi)