
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Impressed with the press? Take note! They're taking note... 

And I for one, am grateful.

Since the start of this blog, there has been an ever increasing following of the happenings at both The Peoples' Park, and the home of the creator of that park, Ronald "Arjo" Adams.  In fact, the first member of the press/news to take note was Patrick Larkin-News Editor of the East Side Review, a Lillie Suburban newspaper.  This article, a front page spread did much to enlighten those who otherwise did were not aware of the park's existence.  Thank you for piquing the interest of the public, Mr.Larkin.  Your article which can be found here: Squatting art park could face demolition started this ball rolling...

Not all of the exposure was especially positive, but it was not especially negative either.   KSTP Channel 5 News ran this story by Todd Wilson on Arjo and the park: 'Art Park' in St. Paul on City Property is Considered Hazard

Not just the neighborhood paper, and channel 5 came out to see the park.The Pioneer Press took their turn in interviewing Arjo about his 17-year pet project.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who had either the want for justice to prevail or the curiosity at this curiosity to visit the park and Arjo Adams, if only long enough to form a story.  Those who took the time to actually get to know us here at the park-- and you know who you are, my eternal gratitude. If only those that would attempt to destroy what it took ONE MAN 17 years to build with love, sweat and imagination would put forth the same effort, this would be a non-issue.  But then those that would attempt to destroy this beautiful place and the home of the owner, and you know who you are... have their own reasons. I believe that your will to build is stronger than any amount of opposition from the community. I also know that some secrets aren't meant to be kept forever.  The truth will come, eventually. 

First I would like to thank Mr. Adams himself, for gracing me with the charge of shooting the video that as yet has had no audience.

Thank you to the contributor that will be known as TheHarmonyOfChange that shot the YouTube video of Arjo and the park earlier this summer that can be found here: Discover The People's Park: an Urban Art Park at 680 East Wells Street in St. Paul, Minnesota

And to Publius Jr. for his article on the Ward 6 Republicans site which can be found here: Save the The People’s Park at 680 Wells E

Thank you to Frederick Melo of the St Paul Pioneer Press for your great work in the articles you wrote that can be found here: Payne-Phalen Resident's Art Runs Afoul of City Hall

and here: St. Paul moving to fence off 'People's Park,' creator's condemned house

A huge debt of gratitude goes to Marcella Corona of the St Paul Pioneer Press for shedding a less volatile light on The Peoples' Park, and on the creator of that park.  Your articles can be found here: St. Paul: What man called art, city called hazardous
Ronald "Arjo" Adams fastens a sign to a fence surrounding his condemned house and adjoining "People's Park" on Friday. The City of St. Paul closed off access to the property earlier Friday because inspectors deemed the area unsafe. (Pioneer Press: John Doman)
"Power to the People's Park, honk your horns!" supporters of Ronald "Arjo" Adams chant as they demonstrate Wednesday along Payne Avenue in St. Paul. Adams built an "art park" on a piece of property owned by the city, next door to his own property at 676 Wells St. on St. Paul's East Side. (Pioneer Press: Scott Takushi)

Thank you again to all those who took the time to appreciate the art at the park, and to the hundreds of people that have come to see the park thanks to the publicity that has surrounded this issue.  If I have neglected to mention anyone, please, accept my apology.

Ultimately, if nothing helps save the park, or Mr. Adams home, know that all of you have done so much to help maintain a healthy outlook for all those who care.  Thank you again.

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